Frequently Asked Questions

What is the airport’s address?

269 Terminal Circle Longview, TX 75603

What is the airport code for East Texas Regional Airport?


Do I have to pay for parking?

East Texas Airport offers free parking for its patrons.

Where is flight information available?

Click on menu item “Airline,” then click on the link for current arrivals and departures, or scroll down to view the schedule of flights for East Texas Regional Airport.

I Missed my Connection.  Where can I check on the status of my bags?

American Eagle has two ways to contact them to check on missing luggage.  We have included a link to their bag check on our “Contact” section for the website.

You can also call 1 (800) 535-5225 to check on the status of your bags.

What is the ticket counter telephone number?

The airline does not make their counter number available to the public. They request that inquiries be handled by their general operators at 1-800-433-7300.

How soon before my flight do I need to be at the airport?

American suggests passengers be at airport 1 hour to 1 ½ hours before flight

What size liquids can I pack in my carry on?

For the most current TSA guidelines please see